Open Access
Research (Published online: 23-09-2017)
16. The effect of eggshell thickness on hatchability of quail eggs
Oguz Fatih Ergun and Umut Sami Yamak
Veterinary World, 10(9): 1114-1117

Oguz Fatih Ergun: Department of Animal Science, Agricultural Faculty, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.
Umut Sami Yamak: Department of Animal Science, Agricultural Faculty, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey.

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2017.1114-1117

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Article history: Received: 28-04-2017, Accepted: 22-08-2017, Published online: 23-09-2017

Corresponding author: Umut Sami Yamak


Citation: Ergun OF, Yamak US (2017) The effect of eggshell thickness on hatchability of quail eggs, Veterinary World, 10(9): 1114-1117.

Background and Aim: The aim of the successful incubation period is to achieve maximum health chicks in each batch. Therefore, all factors affecting incubation have to be investigated in detail. This study investigated the effect of eggshell thickness on hatchability of quail eggs.

Materials and Methods: A total of 1415 eggs were collected from the same flock at the ages of 23 and 41 weeks. Two different incubations were performed at these eggs. Eggshell thicknesses of all eggs were determined with an ultrasonic gauge before incubation. Incubation period was applied as for 18 days. After 15 days of incubation, eggs were transferred to hatching machine. Eggs were classified as thin-, medium-, and thick-shelled according to eggshell thickness values.

Results: Eggshell thicknesses were ranged between 0.24 and 0.36 mm, and the differences between the hatching rates of thickness values were not found significant. Hatchability of thin-, medium-, and thick-shelled eggs was found as 69.2%, 69.4%, and 82.4% for Experiment 1. These values were as 87.8%, 89.2%, and 91.9% for Experiment 2, respectively. Similar to eggshell thickness frequencies, the differences between hatching rates of eggshell thickness groups were found insignificant.

Conclusion: Results of this study showed that eggshell thickness does not affect hatchability.

Keywords: eggshell thickness, hatchability, incubation, quail, ultrasound.


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