doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2019.211-217
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Article history: Received: 07-09-2018, Accepted: 21-12-2018, Published online: 09-02-2019
Corresponding author: Anuraga Jayanegara
Citation: Jayanegara A, Yaman A, Khotijah L (2019) Reduction of proteolysis of high protein silage from Moringa and Indigofera leaves by addition of tannin extract. Veterinary World, 12(2): 211-217.Aim: The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of the addition of tannin extract to Moringa and Indigofera leaf silages on their chemical composition, silage quality characteristics, and in vitro rumen fermentation parameters and digestibility.
Materials and Methods: Moringa and Indigofera leaves were cut (3 cm length) and added with either 0, 2, or 4% chestnut tannin in three replicates. The leaves were then inserted into lab-scale silos (1 L capacity) and kept for 30 days. Silage samples were subjected to silage quality determination, chemical composition analysis, and in vitro rumen fermentation and digestibility evaluation using a gas production technique. Data obtained were subjected to the analysis of variance with a factorial statistical model in which the first factor was different silage species and the second factor was tannin addition levels.
Results: Tannin addition at 4% dry matter (DM) increased neutral detergent insoluble crude protein (NDICP) and acid detergent insoluble CP (ADICP) of Indigofera silage. A similar response was observed in Moringa silage, but it required less tannin, i.e., 2% DM to increase its NDICP and ADICP. Moringa silage had lower pH than that of Indigofera silage (p<0.05), and tannin addition did not change pH of both Indigofera and Moringa silages. Higher addition level of tannin decreased total volatile fatty acid (VFA) and ammonia concentrations of both Indigofera and Moringa silages (p<0.05). A higher level of tannin addition reduced ruminal total VFA concentration, ammonia, in vitro DM digestibility, and in vitro organic matter digestibility of Indigofera and Moringa silages (p<0.05). Tannin addition also decreased ruminal methane emission of both Indigofera and Moringa silages (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Tannin extract can reduce proteolysis of high protein silage from Moringa and Indigofera leaves.
Keywords: deamination, feed fermentation, polyphenol, protein degradation.
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