Open Access
Review (Published online: 03-02-2021)
3. The use of probiotics in animal feeding for safe production and as potential alternatives to antibiotics
Mbarga M. J. Arsène, Anyutoulou K. L. Davares, Smolyakova L. Andreevna, Ermolaev A. Vladimirovich, Bassa Z. Carime, Razan Marouf and Ibrahim Khelifi
Veterinary World, 14(2): 319-328

Mbarga M. J. Arsène: Department of microbiology and virology, Institute of Medicine, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia; Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, National School of Agro-industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
Anyutoulou K. L. Davares: Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, National School of Agro-industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
Smolyakova L. Andreevna: Department of microbiology and virology, Institute of Medicine, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.
Ermolaev A. Vladimirovich: Department of microbiology and virology, Institute of Medicine, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.
Bassa Z. Carime: Department of Food Sciences and Nutrition, National School of Agro-industrial Sciences, University of Ngaoundere, Cameroon.
Razan Marouf: Department of microbiology and virology, Institute of Medicine, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.
Ibrahim Khelifi: Department of microbiology and virology, Institute of Medicine, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia.


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Article history: Received: 14-10-2020, Accepted: 28-12-2020, Published online: 03-02-2021

Corresponding author: Mbarga M. J. Arsène


Citation: Arsène MMJ, Davares AKL, Andreevna SL, Vladimirovich EA, Carime BZ, Marouf R, Khelifi I (2021) The use of probiotics in animal feeding for safe production and as potential alternatives to antibiotics, Veterinary World, 14(2): 319-328.

Although the production of safe food for human consumption is the primary purpose for animal rearing, the environment and well-being of the animals must also be taken into consideration. Based on microbiological point of view, the production of healthy food from animals involves considering foodborne pathogens, on the one hand and on the other hand, the methods used to fight against germs during breeding. The conventional method to control or prevent bacterial infections in farming is the use antibiotics. However, the banning of these compounds as growth promoters caused many changes in animal breeding and their use has since been limited to the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections. In this function, their importance no longer needs to be demonstrated, but unfortunately, their excessive and abusive use have led to a double problem which can have harmful consequences on consumer health: Resistance to antibiotics and the presence of antibiotic residues in food. The use of probiotics appears to be a suitable alternative to overcome these problems because of their ability to modulate the immune system and intestinal microflora, and further considering their antagonistic role against certain pathogenic bacteria and their ability to play the role of growth factor (sometimes associated with prebiotics) when used as feed additives. This review aims to highlight some of the negative effects of the use of antibiotics in animal rearing as well as emphasize the current knowledge on the use of probiotics as a feed additive, their influence on animal production and their potential utility as an alternative to conventional antibiotics, particularly in poultry, pig, and fish farming.

Keywords: animal nutrition, antibiotic resistance, feed additive, fish farming, pig, poultry, probiotic, safe production.