Open Access
Research (Published online: 17-03-2023)
6. Effect of short-term nutritional supplementation of green microalgae on some reproductive indicators of Anglo-Nubian crossbred goats
Maria Raquel Lopes Silva, Juliana Paula Martins Alves, César Carneiro Linhares Fernandes, Camila Muniz Cavalcanti, Alfredo José Herrera Conde, Alessandra Façanha Bezerra, Anne Caroline Santos Soares, Dárcio Ítalo Alves Teixeira, Anibal Coutinho do Rego, and Davide Rondina
Veterinary World, 16(3): 464-473

Maria Raquel Lopes Silva: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60714-903, Brazil.
Juliana Paula Martins Alves: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, CearCeará, 60714-903, Brazil.
César Carneiro Linhares Fernandes: School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60811-905, Brazil.
Camila Muniz Cavalcanti: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, CearCeará, 60714-903, Brazil.
Alfredo José Herrera Conde: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60714-903, Brazil.
Alessandra Façanha Bezerra: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60714-903, Brazil.
Anne Caroline Santos Soares: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60714-903, Brazil.
Dárcio Ítalo Alves Teixeira: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60714-903, Brazil.
Anibal Coutinho do Rego: Department of Animal Science, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60021-970 Brazil.
Davide Rondina: School of Veterinary Medicine, Ceará State University (UECE), Fortaleza, Ceará, 60714-903, Brazil.

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2023.464-473

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Article history: Received: 03-12-2022, Accepted: 30-01-2023, Published online: 17-03-2023

Corresponding author: Davide Rondina


Citation: Silva MRL, Alves JPM, Fernandes CCL, Cavalcanti CM, Conde AJH, Bezerra AF, Soares ACS, Teixeira DIA, do Rego AC, and Rondina D (2023) Effect of short-term nutritional supplementation of green microalgae on some reproductive indicators of Anglo-Nubian crossbred goats, Veterinary World, 16(3): 464-473.

Background and Aim: Despite the wide spectrum of uses, one of the chief drawbacks to expanding microalgae as a food supplement in livestock is the lack of a regimen protocol with established dosage and time length of supplementation. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of short-term supplementation with increasing doses of microalgae on ovarian response in goats reared in northeast Brazil.

Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight goats had their follicular waves synchronized using three injections of a prostaglandin analog at 7-day intervals. Goats were allocated to groups that received daily oral Chlorella supplementation for 7 days, respectively: 5 g, GMA5 group (n = 7), 10 g (GMA10; n = 7), and 20 g (GMA20; n = 7). The control group (GMA 0; n = 7) received a drench of water.

Results: The groups showed a quadratic increase (p = 0.0156) in kidney fat thickness but there was a significant reduction in dry matter intake in the GMA20 group. The GMA20 group showed higher glucose levels and glutathione peroxidase (p < 0.05). There was a decrease in plasma cholesterol (p < 0.05) in the 10 and 20 g treatments. The number of total follicles increased quadratically. Follicles <3 mm increased linearly (p = 0.0113) for microalgal supply. The GMA10 and GMA20 groups had the highest values (p < 0.05) among the treatments. After inducing ovulation, there was a significant increase in follicles >3 mm in the GMA10 group, which also showed a greater (p < 0.05) area of intraovarian blood perfusion and pulsatility index of the ovarian artery.

Conclusion: We conclude that for 7 days of supplementation, the administration of 10 g of microalgae appears to be the most efficient dosage for stimulating the ovarian response in tropical goats.

Keywords: Doppler, follicles, goat, microalga, ovarian blood flow, ovarian response.