Vet World   Vol.17   August-2024  Article - 15 

Research Article

Veterinary World, 17(8): 1789-1797

Dairy farmworkers’ knowledge of the causes, risk factors, and clinical signs of bovine lameness

Sibulele Matshetsheni1 and Ishmael Festus Jaja1,2
1. Department of Livestock and Pasture Science, University of Fort Hare, Alice 5700, South Africa.
2. Department of Agriculture and Animal Health, University of South Africa, Roodepoort, Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Background and Aim: Observing lameness in dairy cows is the primary animal-based indicator of their overall welfare and health status. The study evaluated dairy farmworkers’ understanding of bovine lameness’s causes, risk factors, and clinical symptoms in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa. 

Materials and Methods: Eleven dairy farms provided the data through questionnaires. The questionnaire consisted of five sections: The first section (A) gathered demographic data (age, gender, experience, level of study), and the second section (B) dealt with farm specifics (size, grazing method). Sections C, D, and E cover farm workers’ knowledge of lameness risk factors, clinical signs of lameness, and treatment and management of lameness, respectively. 

Results: About 85.5% of horses experience lameness during summer, contrasted to 15% during autumn. The seasonal results were statistically significant (p < 0.05). 93% of respondents identified a decrease in appetite as the most common sign of lameness, while 94% reported reduced milk yield and 90% increased lying time; a significant correlation was found between awareness of clinical signs and localities (p < 0.05). Age, gender, and occupation level (p < 0.05) were identified as contributing factors to the movement problem in the dairy industry, necessitating training for farm workers to enhance their knowledge. 

Conclusion: Although there is a satisfactory (81%) understanding of lameness by farm workers. There is still need for improvement, hence, farm worker training and retraining are essential for managing and reducing the instances of bovine lameness. 

Keywords: foot rot, increased lying time, knowledge, lameness, milk yield, reduced milk yield.

How to cite this article: Matshetsheni S and Jaja IF (2024) Dairy farmworkers’ knowledge of the causes, risk factors, and clinical signs of bovine lameness, Veterinary World, 17(8):1789-1797.

Received: 2024-02-05    Accepted: 2024-07-15    Published online: 2024-08-20

Corresponding author: Sibulele Matshetsheni    E-mail:

DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2024.1789-1797

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