Vet World   Vol.17   August-2024  Article - 30 

Research Article

Veterinary World, 17(8): 1920-1927

Effects of GH L127V and TG5 C422T polymorphisms on the hormonal profile, slaughter traits, and meat quality of Hereford bulls

K. M. Dzhulamanov and N. P. Gerasimov
Federal Research Center of Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies RAS, Orenburg, Russia.

Background and Aim: The creation of objective methods for the evaluation and improvement of quantitative and qualitative indicators of meat productivity in farm animals should be based on a comprehensive analysis of the genetic, physiological, and biochemical parameters of the animal. This study aimed to investigate the effects of growth hormone (GH) and thyroglobulin (TG5) gene polymorphisms on the hormonal status, slaughter traits, and chemical, amino acid, and fatty acid composition of meat in Hereford bulls. 

Materials and Methods: Hereford bulls (n = 9) were reared under the same feeding and housing conditions until the age of 21 months, after which they were slaughtered. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism was performed for genotyping GH L127V and TG5 C422T polymorphisms. The experimental animals were evaluated to determine slaughter traits (including pre-slaughter weight, carcass, and internal fat weight and yield), chemical, fatty acid, and amino acid composition of ground beef, and hormonal status using serum concentrations of GH, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine. 

Results: Animals with the valine homozygous (VV) genotype of GH had the maximum serum GH level of 9.33 mIU/mL (p = 0.10) higher than leucine homozygous (LL) genotype carriers. Individuals with the LL genotype outperformed V-allele carriers in serum thyroxine (T4) concentration by 21.3–30.5 nmol/L (16.15%–24.86%; p < 0.01–0.05). Genetic differentiation induced by TG5 C422T polymorphism was determined to a lesser extent by the hormonal status of the Hereford animals. The V-allele was associated with increased carcass weight, with VV homozygotes significantly outperforming LL individuals by 45.0 kg (13.61%; p < 0.05). The T allele at the TG5 gene polymorphism was associated with more intense lipogenesis and less protein synthesis in muscle tissue and these effects were enhanced in the homozygous state. Young animals with the TT variant of the TG5 gene exhibited a significantly superior polyunsaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid ratio of 0.012 units (p < 0.01). Carriers of the LL genotype were characterized by minimum amino acid content in muscle tissue. Heterozygous bulls exceeded LL homozygotes in the sum of essential amino acids by 3.09% (p = 0.10) and non-essential amino acids by 1.9% (p < 0.05). 

Conclusion: The development of breeding programs for the Hereford breed should be carried out considering genetic features that determine the formation of economic traits in animals. Analysis of polymorphisms in the TG5 gene is a promising method for the early diagnosis of the fatty acid composition of beef. Identification of polymorphisms in the GH gene allows the prediction of higher productivity potential and amino acid composition of meat. The different effects of the GH and TG5 genes on the development of various economic traits allowed us to determine further vectors for scientific research on their complex associations in Hereford cattle, which will be useful for planning effective breeding schemes. 

Keywords: amino acid, carcass traits, fatty acid, growth hormone gene, Hereford breed, hormones, polymorphism, thyroglobulin gene.

How to cite this article: Dzhulamanov KM and Gerasimov NP (2024) Effects of GH L127V and TG5 C422T polymorphisms on the hormonal profile, slaughter traits, and meat quality of Hereford bulls, Veterinary World, 17(8): 1920-1927.

Received: 2024-05-08    Accepted: 2024-07-31    Published online: 2024-08-27

Corresponding author: Nikolay Gerasimov    E-mail:

DOI: 10.14202/vetworld.2024.1920-1927

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