Research (Published online: 23-02-2024)
26. Effect of probiotics and acidifiers on feed intake, egg mass, production performance, and egg yolk chemical composition in late-laying quails
Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari, Mohammad Anam Al-Arif, Nanik Hidayatik, Aldhia Safiranisa, Dynda Febriana Arumdani, Amadea Inas Zahirah, Andreas Berny Yulianto, Mirni Lamid, Tabita Dameria Marbun, Ertika Fitri Lisnanti, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi, Aswin Rafif Khairullah, Shendy Canadya Kurniawan, Erlycasna Beru Sembiring Pelawi, and Abdullah Hasib
Veterinary World, 17(2): 462-469
Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari: Division of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mulyorejo, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Mohammad Anam Al-Arif: Division of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mulyorejo, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Nanik Hidayatik: Division of Veterinary Basic Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mulyorejo, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Aldhia Safiranisa: Master of Veterinary Agribusiness, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Dynda Febriana Arumdani: Master of Veterinary Agribusiness, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Amadea Inas Zahirah: Master of Veterinary Agribusiness, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Andreas Berny Yulianto: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Jl. Dukuh Kupang XXV No.54, Dukuh Kupang, Dukuh Pakis, Surabaya 60225, East Java, Indonesia.
Mirni Lamid: Division of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mulyorejo, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Tabita Dameria Marbun: Animal Nutrition Laboratory, Kyungpook National University, Sangju 37224, Korea.
Ertika Fitri Lisnanti: Program of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Kadiri, Kediri. Jl. Sersan Suharmaji 38, Kediri 64128, East Java, Indonesia.
Zein Ahmad Baihaqi: Program of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Islam Kadiri, Kediri. Jl. Sersan Suharmaji 38, Kediri 64128, East Java, Indonesia; Research Center for Animal Husbandry, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Bogor Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor 32 Cibinong 16915, West Java, Indonesia.
Aswin Rafif Khairullah: Division of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mulyorejo, Kampus C Mulyorejo, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Shendy Canadya Kurniawan: Master Program of Animal Sciences, Department of Animal Sciences, Specialisation in Molecule, Cell and Organ Functioning, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen 6708 PB, Netherlands.
Erlycasna Beru Sembiring Pelawi: Master of Veterinary Agribusiness, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia.
Abdullah Hasib: School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability, The University of Queensland, QLD, Queensland, Australia.

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2024.462-469
Article history: Received: 27-10-2023, Accepted: 25-01-2024, Published online: 23-02-2024
Corresponding author: Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari
Citation: Lokapirnasari WP, Al-Arif MA, Hidayatik N, Safiranisa A, Arumdani DF, Zahirah AI, Yulianto AB, Lamid M, Marbun TD, Lisnanti EF, Baihaqi ZA, Khairullah AR, Kurniawan SC, Pelawi EBS, and Hasib A (2024) Effect of probiotics and acidifiers on feed intake, egg mass, production performance, and egg yolk chemical composition in late-laying quails, Veterinary World, 17(2): 462–469.
Background and Aim: Probiotics can be used as an alternative to antibiotic growth promoters because antibiotics are prohibited worldwide. This study investigated the potential combination of probiotics and acidifiers to improve feed intake, productive performance, egg mass, and egg yolk chemical composition of late-laying quail for the health of humans who consume quail products.
Materials and Methods: One hundred laying quails were divided into 4 × 5 treatments, with each group consisting of five replications. The adaptation period was 2 weeks, and the treatment was continued for 4 weeks. Probiotics and acidifiers were added to drinking water and incorporated into the diet. Feed and water were provided ad libitum. Treatment duration (1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4 weeks) and additional feed treatment (control, probiotic 2% + 0.5% acidifier, probiotic 2% + 1% acidifier, probiotic 4% + 0.5% acidifier, and probiotic 4% + 1% acidifier, respectively).
Results: Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in feed intake, quail day production, feed efficiency, egg mass in laying quails, and the chemical composition of egg yolk with probiotics and acidifiers in late-laying quails.
Conclusion: The combination of probiotics and acidifiers can improve feed intake, production performance, egg mass, and egg yolk chemical composition in late-laying quails.
Keywords: acidifiers, feed additive, health, performance, probiotic.
This document is about a research study on the effect of probiotics and acidifiers on feed intake, production performance, and egg yolk chemical composition in late-laying quails.
Probiotics and acidifiers can be used as alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in late-laying quails.
The combination of probiotics and acidifiers can improve feed intake, production performance, egg mass, and egg yolk chemical composition in late-laying quails.
The addition of probiotics and acidifiers to the diet of late-laying quails can increase feed intake, quail day production, and feed efficiency.
The use of probiotics and acidifiers in late-laying quails can improve the chemical composition of egg yolks, including crude protein, crude fat, and carbohydrate content.
Various feed additives, such as bee products, botanical products, probiotics, organic acids, and herbal products, have been studied for improving poultry health and production.